Alaska' Log Cabin Resort, RV Park, and Campground Logo Log Cabin Resort, Lodging in Suites on lower level.
Accommodations . . .

Our resort suites have a separate bedroom and a futon couch in the front room. They are located on the waterfront with bald eagles and jumping salmon providing most of the window entertainment. A phone is located just out the door. The units handle up to four people, but we offer a log home that will sleep five.

Grubbins . . .

Resort guests may select one of the area's fine restaurants in which to eat, call and have a meal delivered, or do a little cooking themselves. Fresh crab, fish, and shrimp make anyone's cooking ability shine. All units have kitchens and a barbecue.

All of the fishing, eco tour and dive packages include a Continental Breakfast and a box lunch. We also provide transportation to your evening meal, (not included in any package).

Contact Us
Campground & RV Park
Charter & Boat Rentals
Unguided Saltwater Pkgs.
Fly & Stream Fishing Pkgs.
Bear, Deer & Wolf Hunting
Kayak & Mt. Bike Tours
Rates & Reservations
How to Get Here

Large cabin sleeps up to five.

Kitchen in one of the Seaside Suites View from Seaside Suite, taken outside
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